Personalizing Sexual Health Restoration

Comfort Seal™ - Select a size (1,2,3,4) when ordering


Comfort Seal™:

The Comfort Seal™ is a reusable, thin, highly expandable, latex seal designed to make using any Unysen Health VED® system easier, more effective and more pleasurable. The benefits of the Comfort Seal™ include:

  • The seal eliminates (or significantly reduces) the need to place VED® lubricant around the outside of the penis or inside the cylinder.
  • Because the seal closes off the end of the cylinder you do not have to tightly press the cylinder up against your pelvic abdomen.
  • The seal keeps the skin around the penis and pubic hair from being sucked into the open cylinder.
  • Because the seal closes off the end of the cylinder a vacuum is easier to create thereby helping to ensure better erection success.
  • As the penis passes though the penile opening you should notice a slight positive sensation on the external penis skin.